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Catatan Ringkas Mengenai Kesan RUU bagi Meminda Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang Perkahwinan 1976

DR 20/2016 Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang Perkahwinan 1976.

  • Akta ini dipinda bagi mengatasi isu yang berbangkit daripada kemasukan Islam suatu pihak kepada sesuatu perkahwinan.

  • Kesan pindaan akta ini

  • S.3(3) - dipinda bagi membolehkan mana-mana pihak sama ada yang baru masuk Islam atau keduanya untuk menfailkan kes

(3) This Act shall not apply to a Muslim or to any person who is married under Islamic law and no marriage of one of the parties which professes the religion of Islam shall be solemnized or registered under this Act; but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a court [before which a petition for divorce has been made under section 51 from]  “from having exclusive jurisdiction over the dissolution of a marriage and all matters incidental thereto including granting a decree of divorce [on the petition of one party to a marriage where the other party has converted to Islam], “or other orders under Part VII and Part VIII on

(a) a petition for divorce under section 53 where one party converts to Islam after the filing of the petition or after the pronouncement of a decree; or

(b) a petition for divorce under either section 51, 52 or 53 on the petition of either party or both parties to a marriage where one party has converted to Islam;”; and [utk batalkan ‘and’]

and such decree ‘and orders made’ shall, notwithstanding any other written law to the contrary, be valid against the party to the marriage who has so converted to Islam.

  • Part VII berkaitan tuntutan selepas perceraian seperti harta sepencarian dan nafkah.
  • Part VIII berkaitan tuntutan hak jagaan dan nafkah anak


  • S.12 dipinda bagi memberikan hak sama rata dalam memberikan persetujuan bagi perkahwinan kepada ibu atau ibu angkat seseorang kanak-kanak bawah umur 21 tahun sama seperti yang diberikan kepada bapa.

12. (1) A person who has not completed his or her twenty-first year shall, notwithstanding that he or she shall have attained the age of majority as prescribed by the Age of Majority Act 1971 [Act 21], nevertheless be required, before marrying, to obtain the consent in writing—

(a) of his or her father or mother;
(b) if the person is illegitimate or his or her father is dead, of his or her mother;
(c) if the person is an adopted child, of his or her adopted father, or if the adopted father is dead, of his or her adopted mother; or if the person is an adopted child, of his or her adopted father or adopted mother; or”.
(d) if both his or her parents (natural or adopted) are dead, of the person standing in loco parentis to him or her before he or she attains that age, but in any other case no consent shall be required.


  • Pindaan seksyen ini membolehkan ibu atau ayah memberikan kebenaran bagi perkahwinan anak bawah umur 21 tahun.
  • Dalam Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam, hanya kanak-kanak perempuan di bawah umur 16 tahun dan kanak-kanak lelaki di bawah umur 18 tahun yang perlukan kebenaran ibu bapa.

AKTA 303
Seksyen 8. Umur minimum untuk perkahwinan

Tiada suatu perkahwinan boleh diakadnikahkan di bawah Akta ini jika lelaki itu berumur kurang daripada lapan belas tahun atau perempuan itu berumur kurang daripada enam belas tahun kecuali jika Hakim Syarie telah memberi kebenarannya secara bertulis dalam hal keadaan tertentu.


  • S.51(1) dipinda bagi membolehkan sesuatu pihak kepada sesuatu perkahwinan yang telah masuk Islam atau kedua-dua pihak untuk menfailkan petisyen perceraian.

Dissolution on ground of conversion to Islam

51. (1) Where one party to a marriage has converted to Islam, the other party who has not so converted may petition for divorce: Provided that no petition under this section shall be presented before the expiration of the period of three months from the date of the conversion.

“(1) Where one party to a marriage has converted to Islam—

(a) either party may petition for a divorce under this section or section 53; or

(b) both parties may petition for a divorce under section 52.”

(2) The Court upon dissolving the marriage ‘or at any time’ may make provision for the wife or husband, and for the support, care and custody of the children of the marriage, if any, and may attach any conditions to the decree of the dissolution as it thinks fit.

(3) Section 50 shall not apply to any petition for divorce under this section ‘where one party has converted to Islam’.

  • S. 52 berkaitan ‘dissolution of marriage by mutual consent’.
  • S. 53 berkaitan ‘dissolution due to irretrievably breakdown of marriage’
  • Pindaan seksyen ini akan menyelesaikan masalah yang wujud sebelum ini berkaitan tempat penfailan perceraian iaitu sama ada di Mahkamah Syariah atau Sivil.


  • S. 51A adalah seksyen baru yang dimasukkan bagi tujuan untuk memastikan waris terdekat orang yang masuk Islam kemudiannya meninggal dunia sebelum perkahwinan bukan Islam itu dibubarkan berhak kepada aset perkahwinan itu.

“Property of spouse after conversion

51A. (1) Where a person who has converted to Islam dies before the non-Muslim marriage of which that person is a party has been dissolved, that person’s matrimonial assets shall be distributed by the court among the interested parties in accordance with the provisions of this section upon application by any interested party.

(2) In exercising the power conferred by subsection (1), the court shall have regard to—

(a) the extent of the contributions made by the interested parties in money, property or works towards the acquisition of the matrimonial asset or payment of expenses for the benefit of the family;

(b) any debts owing by the deceased and the interested party which were contracted for their benefit;

(c) the extent of the contributions to the welfare of the family by looking after the house or caring for the family;

(d) the duration of the marriage;

(e) the needs of the children, if any, of the marriage; and

(f) the rights of the interested party under the Distributions Act 1958 [Act 300] if the deceased had not converted.

(3) For the purposes of this section, “interested party” or “interested parties” means the surviving spouse and surviving children of a marriage, if any, and the parents of the deceased converted spouse.”.


  • Seksyen baharu ini hanya menyatakan berkaitan pembahagian aset orang yang masuk Islam dan mati sebelum sempat perkahwinan itu dibubarkan. Lazimnya, aset orang itu akan jatuh ke tangan Majlis Agama Islam (Baitulmal) yang berkenaan kerana si mati itu tiada waris pertalian darah.
  • Namun, kemungkinan wujud masalah dalam melaksanakan seksyen ini kerana permohonan di bawah seksyen ini hanya boleh dibuat oleh ‘interested party’ iaitu suami/isteri, anak dan ibu bapa. Bagaimanakah jika mana-mana orang ini tidak membuat apa-apa permohonan? Adakah harta-harta itu akan dibekukan?
  • Adakah Baitulmal berhak menjadi satu pihak dalam prosiding mahkamah kelak?

  • S. 76 dipinda bagi membenarkan mahkamah untuk mengambil kira bayaran perbelanjaan bagi faedah keluarga dan takat sumbangan pihak yang tidak memperolehi harta itu bagi maksud kesamarataan pembahagian aset perkahwinan.

Power for court to order division of matrimonial assets

76. (1) The court shall have power, when granting a decree of divorce or judicial separation, to order the division between the parties of any assets acquired by them during the marriage by their joint efforts or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.

(2) In exercising the power conferred by subsection (1) the court shall have regard to—

(a) the extent of the contributions made by each party in money, property or work towards the acquiring of the assets ‘or payment of expenses for the benefit of the family’;

“(aa) the extent of the contributions made by the other party who did not acquire the assets to the welfare of the family by looking after the home or caring for the family;”

(b) any debts owing by either party which were contracted for their joint benefit;

(c) the needs of the minor children, if any, of the marriage;

“(d) the duration of the marriage,”; and

and subject to those considerations, the court shall incline towards equality of division.

(3) The court shall have power, when granting a decree of divorce or judicial separation, to order the division between the parties of any assets acquired during the marriage by the sole effort of one party to the marriage or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.

(4) In exercising the power conferred by subsection (3) the court shall have regard to—
(a) the extent of the contributions made by the other party who did not acquire the assets to the welfare of the family by looking after the home or caring the family;
(b) the needs of the minor children, if any, of the marriage; and subject to those considerations, the court may divide the assets or the proceeds of sale in such proportions as the court thinks reasonable; but in any case the party by whose effort the assets were acquired shall receive a greater proportion.

(5) For the purposes of this section, references to assets acquired during a marriage include assets owned before the marriage by one party which have been substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by their joint efforts.


  • Seksyen asal itu mempunyai persamaan dengan S.122 Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1984.
  • Namun, setelah pindaan ini, ianya akan memberikan kesan kepada aset yang diperolehi dalam tempoh perkahwinan tanpa mengambil kira aset itu atas usaha tunggal atau usaha bersama. Sebelum pindaan, aset atas usaha bersama akan dibahagikan sama rata dan aset usaha tunggal akan dilihat kepada siapakah antara suami dan isteri yang menyumbangkan lebih banyak kepada pemerolehan aset itu. Kini setelah pindaan, apa-apa aset yang diperolehi bersama itu akan dibahagikan sama rata.
  • Secara positifnya, pindaan ini mungkin akan memberikan harapan yang lebih baik kepada para wanita yang tidak bekerja dan menjaga rumah tangga.
  • Secara negatifnya, mungkin ianya juga akan menindas isteri yang bekerja dan memperolehi pendapatan yang lebih banyak daripada suami juga akan terkesan dengan pindaan ini.
  • Oleh itu, yang penting adalah keadilan itu tertegak. Keadilan itu tertegak apabila ianya mengambil kira sumbangan masing-masing. Sesiapa yang berusaha lebih sepatutnya mendapat lebih daripada usahanya dan sesiapa yang kurang berusaha sepatutnya mendapat sekadar yang diusahakannya.


  • S.88A adalah seksyen baharu yang dibuat bagi memperuntukkan status quo agama anak bagi pasangan yang masuk agama Islam

“Religion of child

88A. (1) Where a party to a marriage has converted to Islam, the religion of any child of the marriage shall remain as the religion of the parties to the marriage prior to the conversion, except where both parties to the marriage agree to a conversion of the child to Islam, subject always to the wishes of the child where he or she has attained the age of eighteen years.

(2) Where the parties to the marriage professed different religions prior to the conversion of one spouse to Islam, a child of the marriage shall be at liberty to remain in the religion of either one of the prior religions of the parties before the conversion to Islam.”.


  • Adakah isu ini telah dirujuk kepada mana-mana fatwa, khasnya kepada Jawatankuasa Muzakarah Fatwa Kebangsaan
  • Apakah pandangan ulama-ulama mazhab dalam hal ini.


  • S.95 dipinda bagi memanjangkan tempoh menanggung nafkah anak yang menyambung pelajaran ke peringkat kolej atau universiti

Duration of orders for custody and maintenance

95. Except where an order for custody or maintenance of a child is expressed to be for any shorter period or where any such order has been rescinded, it shall expire on the attainment by the child of the age of eighteen years or where the child is under physical or mental disability, on the ceasing of such disability ‘or completion of such further or higher education or training’, whichever is the later.

Komen: perlu ada definition higher education itu kepada peringkat degree atau diploma sahaja. Tidak sepatutnya sehingga peringkat pengajian lanjutan master atau PhD kerana anak pada masa itu sudah boleh berdikari


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